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We understand you may have questions.


Please take a look at some frequently asked questions below.

  • How do I determine my fundraising needs?
    Done as an example: By a band director Needs – 6 instruments need repairs – estimate $750 4 instruments to purchase – estimate $1,800 12 uniforms need cleaned - $300 Post-competition weekend entertainment $3,000 Total - + $ 5,850 Less – excess funds remaining in budget - -$3,500 Cost of substitute teacher $75/hour X 8 hours =+ $600 Amount to fundraise - = $2,950 Price set for combined seminars $ 42.75 (A combined seminar uses both adult life skills booklets as the basis for four 2-hour evening classes or two 4-hour Saturday morning classes. The $42.75 price includes the $12.75 cost of the 2 booklet set) Net price - $30.00 Number of students needed to cover the fundraiser amount - = 2,950/30= 99 students
  • How do I create a successful fundraiser?
    We have already covered how much to charge for students to attend the seminars, whether to have a responsible adult or use a substitute teacher to conduct the seminars, the amount needed to raise, and the number of students needed to attend in order to raise the needed funds. The next step is to set the date(s) of the seminars, and whether to choose weekday evenings or Saturday mornings. You need to check the dates against the school calendar to make sure there are no conflicts with other events or extra-curricular activities. You will need to locate a place to hold the seminars. If the sponsor of the seminars is the band parent organization, then hopefully the band director will allow the band hall to be used. If another school organization is the sponsor, check with the school principal for possible classroom/ meeting room locations. It is worth mentioning again that the use of a substitute teacher to conduct the seminars will help insure a great experience for the students. The classroom experience of a substitute teacher will benefit the flow of the seminar and keep the students interested in the subject matter. If you are wondering how to attract students to attend the seminars, that will be discussed here and in the following FAQ on advertising. The best way to attract the students to the seminars is to explain to the student’s parents what will be covered in the seminars and how important it is for the students to have this knowledge. If the sponsoring organization is the Band Parents, and if the band is large enough to fill the needed seminars, send an informational letter home to each of the parents of band members. If there are not enough band members, request some band members to invite some of their school friends, using the same informational letter. An example of an informational letter is in the next FAQ.
  • How do I advertise the fundraiser?
    Example of an Informational Letter: Washington HS Band Parents Organization Tom Smith, Band Director 705 Main Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 Dear Parents of Washington High School students: Tom Smith, our band director, has determined that funds need to be raised to cover instrument and uniform repairs and purchases. To raise the needed funds, the Band Parents Organization has approved the use of a program offered by Rose Hill Fundraising. Their program of educational seminars is carefully designed to provide your high school student with the adult life skills they will need to become responsible, successful adults. Rose Hill Fundraising offers two separate products, Money Management 101 For the Young Adult and Essential Life Skills. The Band Parents have decided to combine the two products into a set of seminars that will be eight hours in length. The seminars will teach the students how to be a responsible money manager, able to open a checking and savings account, track bank balances, budgeting, and a myriad of other financial matters. Also covered are being a successful college student, your career fundamentals, taking care of your car, your first apartment, cooking basics, and learning to shop for groceries. The seminars will be held Saturday, October 2, 2021 and Saturday, October 9, 2021 from 8:00 AM until 12:00 Noon both days at the Washington HS band hall. The cost of the seminar set is $42.75 per student. The student will get 2 booklets covering the above-mentioned subjects. Please have your student bring paper with a pen or pencil for notetaking. And bring a water bottle. Please complete all the information on the application below and return the student application with cash or a check to the band office by the end of the school day of September 24, 2021. Your support of the efforts of the Band Parents is greatly appreciated. Thank You. Name of Student __________________________________________Grade ________ Parent Name __________________________________________ Phone ___________ Parent Signature __________________________________ Enclosed is $42.75 in cash or check (circle one). I hereby authorize my student to attend the upcoming seminar sponsored by the Band Parents.
  • What if parents cannot afford to send their students to the fundraiser?
    Needed Scholarships: If your high school is located in an economically-depressed area and you receive comments back from parents who cannot afford to send their student to the seminar, there are a few ways you may deal with the situation. It is recommended that these steps be tried in the order as listed: Reach out to parents who you think may be able to help. Spread the effort as much as possible. Ask local businesses for some financial assistance, explaining why you need help. Seek help from your local Chamber of Commerce. They should have member businesses willing and able to help. If you have tried all 3 of the steps above and still come up short, please contact Rose Hill Fundraising. We will make every effort to provide what you need.
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